Foliate 's specialty is Interior Plant Service Santa Clara . Succulents Tropical Plants, Orchids, Flowering Plants, Interior and Exterior Landscaping, Exotics and rare plant specimens. We offer Indoor and Outdoor Landscape Design and Maintenance & Consultation including Plant Rentals, and Office Plants. Our interior plant service process is quick, simple and we come to your location, including, but not limed to hotels, airports, and office spaces to survey the available light and space and collaborate with you and together we decide what works for your lifestyle and workspace.

Foliate - Interior Plant Service Santa Clara
Our plant service includes: Plant Delivery, Plant Installation, Plant & Planter Selection, & ongoing Plant Maintenance in Santa Clara . We rotate Orchids, Bromeliads, and many other seasonal succulents and flowering plant options and throughout Northern CA. All Interior Plants & Planters are installed and maintained by our expert technicians and friendly professional interior plant staff.
To schedule FREE evaluation and quote at your in Santa Clara location:
Interior Plant Service Santa Clara
Plant Quote of the Day
A man does not plant a tree for himself. He plants it for posterity.
Alexander Smith